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Shiva Balap Sepeda Antar Sekolah


Indonesian Cycling Sport

Shiva Balap Sepeda Antar Sekolah, also known as SBSS, has become a popular sport among Indonesian schools in recent years. This cycling competition involves students from different schools who compete to be the fastest cyclist in the game.

SBSS is a thrilling sport that not only promotes a healthy lifestyle but also helps to develop teamwork, leadership, and sportsmanship among its participants. In this article, we will explore the history, rules, and benefits of SBSS, as well as what makes it a unique and exciting sport.

History of Shiva Balap Sepeda Antar Sekolah

Indonesian School Cycling Competition

The first Shiva Balap Sepeda Antar Sekolah competition was held in 2010 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It was organized by the National Sports Committee of Indonesia to promote a healthy lifestyle among students and encourage their participation in sports competitions.

Since then, SBSS has gained popularity among Indonesian schools and has become an annual event in many cities across the country, such as Jakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya.

The Rules of Shiva Balap Sepeda Antar Sekolah

Sbss Competition

The rules of SBSS are simple yet challenging. The competition is divided into three categories based on age and gender: junior, senior, and girls.

In the junior category, participants must be under 15 years old, while in the senior category, participants must be between 15 and 18 years old. In the girls' category, female participants can be of any age.

The SBSS competition comprises several rounds, starting with a time trial. In this round, each participant is given a set time to complete the cycling route, and the person with the fastest time moves on to the next round.

The second round is a sprint race, where the participants race against each other, and the fastest person goes to the next round. The final round is a mass start race, where all the participants start together, and the first person to cross the finish line wins the competition.

The Benefits of Shiva Balap Sepeda Antar Sekolah

Sbss Benefits

Shiva Balap Sepeda Antar Sekolah has numerous benefits for its participants. Firstly, it promotes a healthy lifestyle among students as it encourages them to engage in physical activity regularly. Secondly, SBSS helps to develop teamwork, leadership, and sportsmanship among its participants.

Moreover, SBSS provides an opportunity for students to build their self-confidence and improve their communication skills. It also teaches them how to set goals, work hard, and achieve success in a competitive environment.

SBSS also has a positive impact on the Indonesian education system. It helps to create a positive school culture where students can learn to appreciate and respect each other's differences while working towards a common goal.


Shiva Balap Sepeda Antar Sekolah is a unique and exciting sport that has become a popular competition among Indonesian schools. With its simple yet challenging rules, SBSS promotes a healthy lifestyle and helps to develop teamwork, leadership, and sportsmanship among its participants.

SBSS has numerous benefits for students, such as building their self-confidence and improving their communication skills. More importantly, it helps to create a positive school culture where students can learn to appreciate and respect each other's differences while working towards a common goal.

Related video of Shiva Balap Sepeda Antar Sekolah – The Thrilling Sport of Indonesian Schools