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Judul Skripsi Teknik Mesin Sepeda Motor

If you are pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering, you'll eventually have to write a thesis. A thesis is an essential part of your academic journey because it showcases your expertise in your field of study. Your thesis topic is also a chance for you to explore an area in mechanical engineering that you are passionate about. In Indonesia, one popular area of research for mechanical engineering students is the study of motorcycle engines. In this article, we will discuss various title ideas for your thesis in teknik mesin sepeda motor.

1. Analisis Kinerja Mesin Sepeda Motor pada Berbagai Kecepatan Roda

Analisis Kinerja Mesin Sepeda Motor Pada Berbagai Kecepatan Roda

One area that you can focus on for your thesis is the analysis of motorcycle engine performance at different wheel speeds. This research aims to determine how the engine performs at various speeds, including idling, low speeds, and high speeds. You can also evaluate the influence of speed on fuel consumption and exhaust emissions. This study will give a better understanding of how the engine performs at different speeds and help in the development of more efficient motorcycle engines.

2. Pengaruh Variasi Sudut Ignisi terhadap Kinerja Mesin Sepeda Motor Berbahan Bakar Bensin

Pengaruh Variasi Sudut Ignisi Terhadap Kinerja Mesin Sepeda Motor Berbahan Bakar Bensin

Another area of research for your thesis is the impact of varying ignition angles on the performance of gasoline-powered motorcycle engines. Ignition angle influences engine performance, including fuel efficiency, engine output, and exhaust emissions. By varying the ignition angle, you can determine the optimal ignition angle for the engine to achieve maximum performance. This study will contribute to the development of more efficient and powerful motorcycle engines.

3. Pengaruh Kenaikan Komponen Berat terhadap Kestabilan dan Kinerja Mesin Sepeda Motor

Pengaruh Kenaikan Komponen Berat Terhadap Kestabilan Dan Kinerja Mesin Sepeda Motor

Increasing the weight of motorcycle components can have a significant impact on engine stability and performance. This study aims to investigate the impact of increasing the weight of various motorcycle components on the engine's stability and performance. The study can evaluate the effects of increasing the weight of the fuel tank, engine, and other essential components. The research can help manufacturers make more informed design decisions that will improve the stability and performance of their motorcycle engines.

4. Penerapan Pengendalian Otomatis pada Mesin Sepeda Motor Berbasis Mikrokontroler

Penerapan Pengendalian Otomatis Pada Mesin Sepeda Motor Berbasis Mikrokontroler

One area of research that you can explore for your thesis is the application of automatic control systems on motorcycle engines based on microcontrollers. This study aims to integrate microcontrollers into motorcycle engines to automate processes for more efficient engine performance. The microcontrollers can control the fuel injection, ignition timing, and other critical parameters in real-time, increasing fuel efficiency and engine performance. This research will contribute to the development of cutting-edge motorcycle engines that are more efficient and powerful.

5. Efek Pengaruh Peningkatan Tekanan Udara Pada Mesin Sepeda Motor Berperforma Tinggi

Efek Pengaruh Peningkatan Tekanan Udara Pada Mesin Sepeda Motor Berperforma Tinggi

If you're looking to focus on high-performance motorcycle engines, consider studying the effects of increasing air pressure on these engines' performance. This study aims to understand how high-pressure air influences engine performance, including fuel efficiency and engine output. You can also explore the impact of high-pressure air on exhaust emissions. This research will help to develop more efficient and powerful high-performance motorcycle engines.


There is a multitude of topics that you can explore when it comes to writing your thesis in teknik mesin sepeda motor. Each area of research has the potential to make valuable contributions to the field of mechanical engineering. Choose a topic that interests you the most and conduct thorough research to make informed conclusions. With the right choice of topic and research methods, your thesis will undoubtedly make a positive impact on the mechanical engineering industry in Indonesia.

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